![The DC State 2022-2016 State Plan Logo: A black outline of DC with a red circle with the white cross (Health), a orange suitcase (Employment), a yellow house (Housing), a green area with bars (Quality), a blue graduation cap (Education), and a brown fist pumping (Diversity). Below is text: 2022-2026 DDC STATE PLAN.]](https://ddc.dc.gov/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/dc/sites/ddc/page_content/images/DDC%20STATE%20PLAN%20TRANSPARENT.png?itok=SCzn2dut)
The 2022-2026 State Plan guides the future direction and goals of the DDC and reflects the diverse voices of the communities. The DDC State Plan’s main goals are Self-Determination, Advocacy and Leadership, Employment, and Community Living. Other areas of emphasis include Education, Housing, Health, and Formal and Informal Community Support.
The plan is available in English, Español (Spanish), Française (French), Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese), አማርኛ (Amharic), 한국어 (Korean), and 中国人 (Chinese) and the following alternative formats: large print (English), and audio/video (English and Español-Spanish).
2022-2026 DC DDC State Plan - FINAL (English)
2022-2026 DC DDC State Plan - FINAL (Español)
2022-2026 DC DDC State Plan - FINAL (French)
2022-2026 DC DDC State Plan - FINAL (Vietnamese)
2022-2026 DC DDC State Plan - FINAL (Amharic)
2022-2026 DC DDC State Plan - FINAL (Korean)
2022-2026 DC DDC State Plan - FINAL (Chinese)
DDC State Plan Introduction-Goals-Objectives - English - Large Print.pdf
English recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9US9LC0ZtPw
Grabación Español (Spanish): https://youtu.be/yBFnhvw7mf0
Values that influence all our work
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Cultural and linguistic competence
- Person-centered thinking
- Social justice and intersectionality
- Human and civil rights
- Leadership and advocacy
- Collaboration
Draft Five-Year State Plan Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: Self-Determination, Advocacy, and Leadership
By September 2026, people with developmental disabilities and their families in DC, including those with diverse cultural identities, will have increased their a) knowledge of and skills in self-determination, advocacy, and leadership, and b) capacity to educate and inform policymakers to promote equity and inclusion.
Objective 1
By September 2026, the DDC will have done all of the following: (a) strengthened at least one self-advocacy organization led by people with developmental disabilities, (b) supported opportunities for self-advocate leaders to provide training to other people with DD with diverse cultural identities who may become leaders, and (c) supported and expanded participation of people with DD in cross-disability, culturally diverse leadership and advocacy coalitions. This objective will result in increased participation of people with DD in advocacy activities and leadership positions that impact the design of and access to services and supports to build inclusive communities. The DDC will accomplish this objective with the collaboration of the DD Network Partners (Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (GUCEDD) and Disability Rights DC at University Legal Services (P&A). (It is estimated at least 5 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 150 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Objective 2
By September 2026, the DDC will have increased the knowledge and participation of individuals with DD from the Latina/o/x and Hispanic community in advocacy efforts, through family engagement and training for improved access to culturally and linguistically competent resources and information. In accomplishing this objective, we will build upon the strengths and resilience of the Latina/o/x and Hispanic community. This objective will result in increased knowledge and leadership skills, increased access to information in Spanish and plain language, an increase in Latina/o/x and Hispanic community members serving in leadership positions and overall increased access to culturally and linguistically competent supports to build equity and inclusion in the DC communities. The DDC will accomplish this objective with the collaboration of the DD Network Partners (Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (GUCEDD) and Disability Rights DC at University Legal Services (P&A). (It is estimated at least 5 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 50 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Targeted Disparity: Decrease disparity of access to culturally and linguistically competent services, supports, and information for the Latina/o/x community in DC with an emphasis on engaging individuals and Spanish-speaking families and support systems in ways that honor the strengths and resilience of the community, address the complex needs and family dynamics of the Latina/o/x communities.
Objective 3
By September 2026, the DDC will have increased the capacity of people with DD and their families with diverse cultural identities to engage in policy advocacy to support equity in services and supports, social justice initiatives, and other policies that facilitate inclusion of people with DD and their families in communities. This objective will result in a well-informed and supported community of advocates with disabilities and family members. The DDC will accomplish this objective with the collaboration of the DD Network Partners (Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (GUCEDD) and Disability Rights DC at University Legal Services (P&A), other community organizations, and community leaders and advocates. (It is estimated at least 3 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 50 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Goal 2: Employment
By September 2026, the DDC will have collaborated with employment-focused partners in systems change efforts to promote equal employment opportunities for people with DD through: a) supporting and educating communities about competitive, integrated employment; b) building public awareness among communities and employers about the benefits of employment of people with disabilities; and c) supporting efforts to increase inclusive work environments and more competitive, integrated employment opportunities.
Objective 1
By September 2026, the DDC will have increased awareness among DC-based employers and DC communities of the benefits of hiring people with developmental disabilities in competitive, integrated employment through a multifaceted, evolving strategy that is focused on employment first and competitive integrated employment initiatives in a collaborative effort with agencies, organizations, and employers. This objective will result in more inclusive work environments and more people with DD employed in integrated settings. (It is estimated at least 3 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 50 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Objective 2
By September 2026, the DDC will have supported and advocated for at least one policy and program for more inclusive employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities within the DC government through interagency collaboration. This objective will result in more inclusive work environments and more people with DD employed in DC government. (It is estimated at least 5 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 50 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Goal 3: Community Living
By September 2026, people with DD and their families, with diverse cultural identities, will have the skills, resources, and supports that they need to thrive in their communities.
Objective 1
By September 2026, the DDC will have increased access to information, support, and training and technical assistance to professionals, grantees, community advocates, and other organizations related to person and family-centered thinking, cultural and linguistic competence, and leadership. This objective will result in systems and programs that are informed by person and family-centered principles and cultural and linguistic competence, as well as community leaders that promote equity, social justice, and inclusion of people with DD and their families in the community. The DDC will accomplish this objective with the collaboration of the DD Network Partners (Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (GUCEDD) and Disability Rights DC at University Legal Services (P&A). (It is estimated at least 3 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 100 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Objective 2
By September 2026, the DDC will have supported activities and programs to explore and promote healthy interpersonal relationships (social, professional, intimate, and/or sexual) in ways that acknowledge the dignity of risk and balance safe practices. This objective will result in an increase in the knowledge, abilities, and skills of people with DD and their families with diverse cultural identities to engage in and support interpersonal relationships and contribute to a cultural shift towards acceptance and inclusion of these relationships in our view of society. (It is estimated at least 3 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 100 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Objective 3
By 2026, the DDC will have increased the capacity of people with DD and their families with diverse identities to understand and navigate transitions of services and supports throughout the life course, including but not limited to, transition from Part C to Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), secondary transition, and healthcare transitions. This objective will result in an increase in the knowledge, abilities, and skills to successfully advocate for what is needed during each transition period. The DDC will accomplish this objective with the collaboration of the DD Network Partners (Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (GUCEDD) and Disability Rights DC at University Legal Services (P&A). (It is estimated at least 3 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 75 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Objective 4
By September 2026, the DDC will have increased the capacity of people with DD and their families, including those with diverse identities, to engage with their communities through technology and communications strategies that celebrate the disability community, and support to take advantage of a variety of civic engagement opportunities. This objective will result in fewer barriers for people with DD and their families to enjoy full lives as integral members of their communities. (It is estimated at least 5 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 100 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Objective 5
By September 2026, the DDC will have supported at least one policy or program that involves interagency collaboration to decrease barriers to information and access to affordable and accessible housing options for people with DD in DC. This objective will result in increased stakeholder engagement in advocacy for affordable and accessible housing. (It is estimated at least 2 organizations will participate in a collaborative effort and at least 25 individuals will participate and benefit from this activity over the five-year plan)
Areas of Emphasis:
The plan will address the following areas:
- Quality Assurances - advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that result in improved person and family-centered quality assurances, and that result in systems of quality assurance and consumer protection. Include monitoring of services, supports and assistance provided to an individual with developmental disabilities (DD) that ensures that individual with DD will not experiences abuse, neglect, sexual or financial exploitation, or violation of legal or human rights; and will not be subject to the inappropriate use of restraints or seclusion. Include training in leadership, self-advocacy, and self-determination for individuals with DD, their families, and their guardians. Include activities related to interagency coordination and systems integration that results in improved and enhanced services, supports, and other assistance that contribute to and protect the self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration, and inclusion in all facets of community life, of individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Employment - advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that result in individuals with developmental disabilities acquiring, retaining, or advancing in paid employment, support employment, or self-employment in integrated settings in a community.
- Education - advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that result in individuals with developmental disabilities being able to access appropriate support and modifications when necessary, to maximize their educational potential, to benefit from lifelong educational activities, and to be integrated and included in all facets of student life.
- Housing - advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that result in individuals with developmental disabilities having access to and use of housing and housing supports and services in their communities, including assistance related to renting, owning, or modifying an apartment or home.
- Health - advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that result in individuals with developmental disabilities having access to and use of coordinated health, dental, mental health, and other human and social services, including prevention activities, in their communities.
- Formal & Informal Community Support - advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that result in individuals with developmental disabilities having access to and use other services available or offered to individuals in a community, including formal and informal community supports, that affect their quality of life.
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Community Engagement
As a part of our community outreach, we held a 45-day public comment period for the DDC Five-Year State Plan 2022-2026 began on May 5, 2021 and ended on June 18, 2021. We received a lot of feedback from people with different backgrounds and experience. Our survey was in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Amheric.
As a part of our 45-Day Comment Period, we held two Virtual Public Hearings on Thursday, May 27, 2021, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. We received feedback from the community about our 2022-2026 State Plan and what we need to focus on in the community.
Last year, we launched our community input survey for the disability community in DC and offered the survey in English, Spanish, Amharic, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, and French. We received over 250 responses to our survey. Additionally, we hosted several virtual focus groups and virtual public community forums throughout the year to gather feedback as part of our commitment and connected with over 100 community members!
Previous focus groups that we held include:
- Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 10:00-11:30 AM, Focus Group: Individuals with Developmental Disabilities & Advocates with Disabilities
- Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 1:00-2:30 PM, Focus Group: Families of Individuals with Disabilities
- Wednesday, December 2, 2020 - 1:00-2:30 PM, Focus Group: Community Representative, Advocates, Professionals (Stakeholders)
- Wednesday, December 2, 2020 - 5:00-6:30 PM, Focus Group: Families of Individuals with Disabilities
- Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 10:00-11:30 AM, Focus Group: Community Representative, Advocates, Professionals (Stakeholders)
- Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 6:00-7:30 PM, Focus Group: Individuals with Developmental Disabilities & Advocates with Disabilities
- Monday, December 21, 2020 - 5:00-6:30 PM, Focus Group: Individuals with Developmental Disabilities & Advocates with Disabilities
- Thursday, January 21, 2021 - 10:00-11:30 AM, Focus Group: All DC Residents
- Thursday, January 21, 2021 - 1:00-2:30 PM, Focus Group: All DC Residents
- Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 12:00-1:30 PM, Focus Group: LGTBQ+ Members
- Friday, February 19, 2021 - 3:00-4:00 PM, Focus Group (en español): Latinx Community Members
Our hope is that the Five-Year State Plan reflects the values and diverse voices of our beautiful DC community! Thank you to all those who contributed to this work!
Previous State Plans
Language Access
If you need assistance completing the survey or the registration form, help in your language, or free interpreter assistance, please call Alison Whyte, 202-340-8563.
የቋንቋ እርዳታ በአማርኛ እርዳታ ከፈለጉ በ Alison Whyte, 202-340-8563, [email protected] ይደውሉ። የነፃ አስተርጓሚ ይመደብልዎታል።
語言協助 如果您需要用(中文)接受幫助,請電洽 Alison Whyte, 202-340-8563, [email protected],將免費向您提供口譯員服務
AIDE LINGUISTIQUE Si vous avez besoin d’aide en Français appelez-le Alison Whyte, 202-340-8563, [email protected] et l’assistance d’un interprète vous sera fournie gratuitement.
언어 지원 한국어로 언어 지원이 필요하신 경우 Alison Whyte, 202-340-8563, [email protected] 로 연락을 주시면 무료로 통역이 제공됩니다.
AYUDA EN SU IDIOMA Si necesita ayuda en Español, por favor llame al Alison Whyte, 202-340-8563, [email protected] para proporcionarle un intérprete de manera gratuita.
GIÚP ĐỠ VỀ NGÔN NGỮ Nếu quý vị cần giúp đỡ về tiếng Việt, xin gọi Alison Whyte, 202-340-8563, [email protected] để chúng tôi thu xếp có thông dịch viên đến giúp quý vị miễn phí.