The DC Developmental Disabilities Council is working to respond to the COVID-19 public health crisis in several ways. Our efforts fall into three buckets:
- Communication
- Advocacy
- Funding
We will be updating this regularly as part of our communication efforts to share information, ideas, and support.
If you have questions about anything on this page, or ideas about what should be on this page, please email Alison Whyte at [email protected] or call 202-340-8563.
Tips for Staying Healthy by the Wisconsin Self-Determination Channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7Yl-BesvDw&feature=youtu.be -
Why I Got My COVID-19 Vaccine (After I Really Did Not Want To)
ASL Version: https://vimeo.com/569618837
Spanish Language Version: https://vimeo.com/579908785 -
Why People with Disabilities Should Get Their COVID-19 Vaccine
ASL Version : https://vimeo.com/569621275
Spanish Language Version : https://vimeo.com/579907573 -
Getting my COVID-19 Vaccine with Confidence
ASL Version: https://vimeo.com/569626357
Spanish Language Version: https://vimeo.com/579905011 -
The "Why I Got Vaccinnated" Series
Plain Language Resources
English 1-pager created by CA DD Council - https://scdd.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2020/03/2020-3-13-Eng-COVID-19.pdf
Spanish 1-pager created by CA DD Council - https://scdd.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2020/03/2020-3-13-Spn-COVID-19.pdf
English 8-page booklet created by Green Mountain Self Advocates - https://ddc.vermont.gov/sites/ddc/files/documents/newsevents/Plain%20Language%20Information%20on%20Coronavirus.pdf
Spanish 8-page booklet created by Green Mountain Self Advocates - https://scdd.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2020/03/Spanish-Green-Mountain-SA-Info-By-and-For-People-with-Disabilities.pdf
CARES Act: What's In It For You? - https://informingfamilies.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/CARES-Act.pdf
"Stay safe from COVID-19" by Center of Disease Control and Prevention - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/communication/toolkits/pdfs/CDC_RTI_Vaccine_Poster_508c.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1h8NqtYHokpQ0TtNCXiXbE0SzQRvDjViwg2QXVXkf2vHK7EB3KaJhHp9Q
"How I get my COVID-19 shot" by Center of Disease Control and Prevention - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/communication/toolkits/pdfs/CDC_RTI_Vaccine_Social-Story_2021.05.10_508c.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2pziayTWVNqckU5ryACXUW54p8MdtdenXOjXM9YV1IR5caXH3oUxZShxM
Other Resources
Financial Health during COVID-19 - a resource by the National Disability Institute: https://www.nationaldisabilityinstitute.org/financial-resilience-center
Resources where you can get help during COVID-19: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a6ujIWEaeqa4-2-HKGvI6GL8fZwVLTijV_wiyNNSpIM/edit?usp=sharing