June 14, 2016
Mission: The Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) of the District of Columbia seeks to strengthen the voice of people with developmental disabilities and their families in DC in support of greater independence, inclusion, empowerment and the pursuit of life as they choose. We strive to create change that eliminates discrimination and removes barriers to full inclusion through our advocacy.
The District of Columbia Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) is pleased to disseminate the New Five Year State Plan (Plan) describing goals, objectives and activities for fiscal years 2017 through 2021. This Plan represents the DDC’s commitment to fulfilling our responsibility to our District residents with developmental disabilities and their families as authorized in the federal legislation, Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000. The Plan is based on extensive community outreach over the past several months through:
- Development and posting of an online survey tool on the DDC website that is available in English and Spanish.
- Collection of nearly 200 completed surveys from District residents with developmental disabilities, family members, friends and stakeholders representing all eight wards. Survey results are posted on line.
- Meetings with District residents and the families involved with the Supporting Families Community of Practice, Parents Advocacy Leaders (PALS) Group, and the Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Consumer Action Advisory Council to solicit input and feedback; and
- Community forums at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library and at the R.I.S.E. Demonstration Center. Participants identified areas of emphasis for the DDC’s consideration: 1) Self-Determination, Advocacy and Leadership; 2) Employment; 3) Education; and 4) Community Living. Focus groups were conducted in support of these four areas of emphasis. Participants’ ideas, suggestions and activities were recorded and documented on the DDC website.
District residents with developmental disabilities and their families are: A) Given accurate, timely information to make informed decisions regarding service delivery options available to them; and B) Provided opportunities to exercise and exhibit their self-empowerment and determination that lead to their increased productivity, independence, and quality of life as they seem fit.
OBJECTIVE #1: Advanced DC Advocacy Partners (DCAP) Program provided to eighteen (18) or more DCAP graduates per year with an emphasis on effective negotiating skills, effective leadership and mentoring. (Fiscal Years (FY) 2017 & 2021)
Activity #1: Develop and coordinate the grant competitive process with the DC Office of Contracting & Procurement during the first and second quarters of FY17 and FY21, respectively.
Activity #2: Advanced DCAP program is funded and implemented during the third and/or fourth quarters of FY17 and FY21, respectively.
OBJECTIVE #2: General DC Advocacy Partners (DCAP) Program provided to fifteen (15) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members of adults and/or children with developmental disabilities per year. (FY18–20)
Activity #1: Develop and coordinate the grant competitive process with the DC Office of Contracting & Procurement during the third and fourth quarters of FY17.
Activity #2: General DCAP program is funded and implemented during FY18. Please Note: The DDC will have the opportunity to exercise two additional option years and continue the general DCAP program through FY20.
Activity #3: General DCAP program will utilize at least eight (8) or more previous DCAP graduates in developing and/or implementing the leadership program, annually.
Activity #4: Actively recruit and retain DC residents with developmental disabilities and/or family members with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds to participate in DCAP.
OBJECTIVE #3: Strengthening Self-Determination and Advocacy Skills – Involve one hundred (100) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members in meaningful opportunities to either demonstrate or learn about their self-determination and advocacy skills. (FY17–21)
Activity #1: In coordination with the self-advocacy organization Project ACTION!, Quality Trust, The Arc of DC, Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development (UCEDD), and University Legal Services (P&A), DDC provides technical assistance to at least twenty-five (25) or more District residents with developmental disabilities, family members, and DC Advocacy Partners (DCAP) participants and graduates to successfully develop testimonies and deliver remarks on policy issues before the Council of the District of Columbia, Federal & District Government agencies, and/or United States Congress, annually.
Activity #2: Between FY17-21, DDC assists in identifying, recruiting and nominating at least twenty five (25) self-advocates, parents/guardians, and DCAP graduates to actively serve on various national and local boards and commissions.
Activity #3: Support, sponsor, and/or conduct two (2) or more local self-determination and advocacy event with emphasis on leadership, civil rights, housing, transportation, education, home & community based supports, and/or behavioral health, annually.
Activity #4: Pending availability of funding, DDC will support five (5) or more self-advocates, family members, and/or DCAP participants and graduates to attend national and regional conferences (i.e.: SABE, TASH, NCIL, APSE, AUCD, Disability Policy Seminar, etc.) to identify current best practices and trends in the disability field, annually.
OBJECTIVE #4: Emergency Preparedness – Serve as valued partner to the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency and other first responder stakeholders to incorporate the functional and accessibility needs of District residents with developmental disabilities in emergency planning. (FY17-21)
Activity #1: Active representation on the DC Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) to address the functional and accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act during the Presidential Inauguration in January 2017 and January 2021, respectively.
Activity #2: Coordinate with the appropriate stakeholders to ensure that emergency preparedness information is accessible through multiple methods of communications utilized by individuals with developmental disabilities.
Activity #3: Advocate for and secure the participation of at least five (5) District residents with developmental disabilities and families in mock District-wide emergency preparedness events.
OBJECTIVE #5: Civic Responsibility, Voter Registration, and Education – Provide training and education to fifty (50) or more District residents with developmental disabilities regarding the electoral process, voting registration and their voting rights. (FY20-21)
Activity #1: Provide training and education on the electoral process, accessibility options, and using the voting equipment.
Activity #2: In collaboration with the Board of Election and Ethics and local disability organizations, DDC conducts voter registration campaigns, whenever necessary.
Activity #3: Encourage and identify registered voters with developmental disabilities willing to serve as poll workers on election day.
Transition youth and adults with developmental will disabilities will have meaningful employment opportunities with competitive wages that allow these citizens to exhibit their talents, skills, and abilities in an inclusive environment working alongside their peers without disabilities in the District of Columbia.
OBJECTIVE #1: More than twenty five (25) high school students with developmental disabilities annually will receive competitive placements in the District’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). (FY17-21)
Activity #1: Partner with the DC Rehabilitation Services Administration, and other appropriate private and public stakeholders in identifying and hiring high school students with developmental disabilities to participate in the annual program.
OBJECTIVE #2: Disability Mentoring Days (DMDs) – In recognition of October as “Disability Employment Awareness Month”, DMDs introduce thirty (30) or more high school, college and graduate students with developmental disabilities to potential employment opportunities within the DC Metropolitan Area annually. (FY17-21)
Activity #1: Fifteen (15) or more agencies or companies will participate and serve as mentor sites in the annual program. Encourage all employees to participate and serve as mentors, including employees with developmental disabilities.
Activity #2: DDC will conduct outreach and obtain thirty (30) or more student applications for this annual program.
Activity #3: Collaborate and partner with agencies and companies to offer paid and unpaid internships to college and high school students with developmental disabilities.
OBJECTIVE #3: Develop and coordinate a program to work with 20 youth with developmental disabilities under age 14 and their parent(s) with setting high expectations and employment planning from an early age. (FY19-21)
Activity #1: Teach and share information regarding Supporting Families Community of Practice.
Activity #2: Youth and parents will apply principles learned and assist in the identification of person–centered goals and expectations, including a trajectory for employment.
Students with developmental disabilities and their families are given accurate, timely information regarding the educational services available in the District of Columbia and the applicable District and Federal laws and policies that impact and protect our infants, toddlers, and students receiving these services.
OBJECTIVE #1: Involve more than three hundred (300) high school students in transition in meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their self-determination and advocacy skills or learn more about their protected rights, post-secondary education opportunities, and employment options. (FY17-21)
Activity #1: Partner with the DC Rehabilitation Services Administration (DCRSA), Office of Disability Rights and other appropriate private and public stakeholders to connect with local high school students with disabilities.
Activity #2: Conduct training and information sessions provided to students regarding Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations, assistive technologies, etc.
Activity #3: In collaboration with appropriate private and public stakeholders, coordinate and host the District-wide Secondary Transition Event.
OBJECTIVE #2: Strengthening Early Intervention Services in the District. (FY19-21)
Activity #1: Partner with the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development (UCEDD) and other appropriate stakeholders with expertise and understanding of early intervention services to inform and educate families and other community members.
Activity #2: Disseminate opportunities to participate in the Early Intervention Services Certification Program available through the UCEDD with the general public.
Activity #3: Educate general public, policymakers, and Part C & B administrators on the importance of expanding early intervention services available to families.
Activity #4: Educate policymakers and administrators on the importance of identifying quality early intervention service providers and coordinated service delivery offered to the families.
Activity #5: Educate twenty (20) or more parents/guardians of the early intervention services available to their infants and toddlers with developmental delays.
District residents with developmental disabilities and their families are: A) Given accurate, timely information to make informed decisions regarding home and community-based services and options available to them; and B) Provided educational opportunities to learn how to improve their own health and wellness outcomes while they are serving to be valued citizens actively contributing to all facets of community life in the District of Columbia.
OBJECTIVE #1: In partnership with the DC Department on Disability Services (DDS) and other appropriate private and public stakeholders, continue strengthening the capacity of the Supporting Families Community of Practice and its initiatives. (FY17-21)
Activity #1: In partnership with DDS and other District government agencies, establish a Parent-to-Parent /Family-to-Family Chapter and assist in building its long-term capacity.
Activity #2: Assist DDS in identifying new members from diverse backgrounds, sharing information on the
Lifecourse Framework and the learning from Supporting Families Community of Practice.
OBJECTIVE #2: Develop and coordinate the Living a Healthy Lifestyle Program to benefit ten (10) or more District residents with developmental disabilities. (FY18-21)
Activity #1: Participants will learn about healthy eating habits and develop healthy meals to eat.
Activity #2: Participants will also learn about helpful exercise techniques to remain physically fit and healthy.
Activity #3: Develop and coordinate the grant process during the first quarter, and the program is funded and implemented during the remainder of FY18.
Activity #4: Pending availability of funding, grant proposal is required for submission to the DDC during the first quarter of FY19, FY20, and FY21 for funding consideration.
OBJECTIVE #3: Establish and/or support two (2) Next Chapter Book Clubs in the District of Columbia. (FY18; FY20)
Activity #1: Partner with the Next Chapter National Organization and DC Public Libraries. These organizations possess expertise with establishing Next Chapter Book Clubs, which are inclusive of members with and without intellectual disabilities.
Activity #2: Develop and coordinate the grant competitive process with the DC Office of Contracting
& Procurement during the first quarter of FY18 and FY20, respectively.
Activity #3: Next Chapter Book Clubs are funded and implemented during the third and fourth
quarters of FY18 and FY20, respectively.
OBJECTIVE #4: Housing Rights and Options – Ensure accurate information is available to District residents with developmental disabilities to make informed decisions about their protected rights and housing options available in the District of Columbia. (FY17-21)
Activity #1: In partnership with the DC Office of Human Rights, DC Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Equal Rights Center, sponsor and conduct the Fair Housing Act Symposium annually.
Activity #2: Educate policymakers and administrators on the challenges and barriers faced by District residents with developmental disabilities and their families in the effort of improving and increasing the availability of affordable and accessible housing in the District.
OBJECTIVE #5: Develop and coordinate the Community Service and Recreational Opportunities Program to benefit forty (40) or more District residents with developmental disabilities. (FY20-21)
Activity #1: Participants will take part in and benefit from inclusive recreational, social, community service activities consistent with their interests and abilities.
Activity #2: Develop and coordinate the grant competitive process with the DC Office of Contracting
& Procurement during the third and fourth quarters of FY19.
Activity #3: Community Service and Recreational Opportunities program is funded and implemented during FY20. Please Note: The DDC will have the opportunity to exercise one additional option year and continue the program through FY21.
The Developmental Disabilities Council will actively collaborate with national and local organizations and government agencies to develop or improve upon legislation, regulations, policies, programs and other related activities that result in increased level of cultural and linguistic competence, advance person-centered planning, understanding, and acceptance of District residents with developmental disabilities, their families, and the culturally diverse backgrounds that they bring to our community.
OBJECTIVE #1: Develop and implement a plan to strengthen the Developmental Disabilities Council’s capacity to become culturally and linguistically competent to better serve residents with developmental disabilities from cultural diverse backgrounds (i.e.: Limited English Proficiency, LGBTQ, etc.). (FY17-18)
Activity #1: Partner with the National Center on Cultural Competence and seek guidance and technical assistance in developing an effective plan to build the DDC’s capacity in area of cultural diversity and cultural and linguistic competence.
Activity #2: Conduct an organizational self-assessment to identify DDC’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Activity #3: Identify values and develop appropriate organizational structures and policies, strengthening the DDC’s capacity.
Activity #4: Develop and implement a recruitment strategy that will facilitate the recruitment and retention of District residents with developmental disabilities and/or family members from culturally and linguistically backgrounds to serve as DDC members.
Activity #5: Actively recruit and retain District residents with developmental disabilities and/or family members from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds that reflect the District’s demographics to serve as DDC members.
OBJECTIVE #2: Revisit, evaluate and assess the DDC’s plan to ensure that matters of cultural and linguistic competence are properly and accurately being addressed by the DDC. (FY19-21)
Activity #1: In partnership with the National Center on Cultural Competence, the DDC will evaluate and assess its organizational capacity in becoming culturally and linguistically competent in serving more District residents with developmental disabilities from cultural diverse backgrounds on an annual basis.
Activity #2: Conduct community outreach and forums to obtain feedback and recommendations from District residents with developmental disabilities and their families.
Activity #3: Evaluate current organizational structures and policies. Revise or create new DDC structures and policies, as needed.
Activity #4: Actively recruit and retain District residents with developmental disabilities and/or family members from culturally and linguistically backgrounds to serve as DDC members.
OBJECTIVE #3: Support the effective outreach and implementation of the new No Wrong Door (NWD) Program and its initiatives for people with developmental disabilities and their family/caregivers to make informed choices regarding long term supports and services they prefer and need in order to live with dignity in their homes and be fully included in their communities. (FY17-20)
Activity #1: Serve as a valued partner to the DC Department on Disability Services (DDS), Office of Aging/Aging and Disability Resources, Department on Behavior Health and other government stakeholders by offering recommendations and suggestions throughout the NWD implementation process via community outreach and feedback forums including existing partners.
Activity #2: Assist with disseminating NWD resources, such as the NWD E-Newsletter and other information to the developmental disabilities community.
Activity #3: Assist DDS in identifying and recruiting a minimum of four (4) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members reflective of all ages per year to participate in Person Centered Planning (PCT) sessions and nominate candidates to become official PCT trainers in support of the NWD program.
Activity #4: Assist DDS in providing culturally and linguistically competent resources and information to District residents with developmental disabilities reflective of the District’s demographics in long-term supports and services.
OBJECTIVE #4: Developmental Disabilities Public Awareness, Accomplishments, and Achievements. (FY17-21)
Activity #1: DDC sponsors and conducts one (1) Community Outreach and Feedback Forum annually.
Activity #2: Maintain and offer relevant information through the DDC website.
Activity #3: Produce and disseminate at least four (4) press releases about the DDC activities & initiatives annually.
Activity #4: Develop and disseminate three (3) DDC newsletters annually.
Activity #5: Sponsor and conduct one (1) Accomplishments and Achievements Event in FY18 and FY20.
OBJECTIVE #5: Collaborate with the DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities annually on events such as the Mayor’s Expo on Disability Awareness.
Activity #1: Submit annual report to the Mayor listing recommendations for improvement from the DDC and the DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities.
Fiscal Year 2017
OBJECTIVE: Advanced DC Advocacy Partners (DCAP) Program provided to eighteen (18) or more DCAP graduates per year with an emphasis on effective negotiating skills, effective leadership and mentoring.
OBJECTIVE: Strengthening Self-Determination and Advocacy Skills – Involve one hundred (100) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members in meaningful opportunities to either demonstrate or learn about their self-determination and advocacy skills.
OBJECTIVE: Emergency Preparedness – Serve as valued partner to the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency and other first responder stakeholders to incorporate the functional and accessibility needs of District residents with developmental disabilities in emergency planning.
OBJECTIVE: More than twenty five (25) high school students with developmental disabilities annually will receive competitive placements in the District’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP).
OBJECTIVE: Disability Mentoring Days (DMDs) – In recognition of October as “Disability Employment Awareness Month”, DMDs introduce thirty (30) or more high school, college and graduate students with developmental disabilities to potential employment opportunities within the DC Metropolitan Area annually.
OBJECTIVE: Involve more than three hundred (300) high school students in transition in meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their self-determination and advocacy skills or learn more about their protected rights, post-secondary education opportunities and employment options.
OBJECTIVE: In partnership with the DC Department on Disability Services (DDS) and other appropriate private and public stakeholders, continue strengthening the capacity of the Supporting Families Community of Practice and its initiatives.
OBJECTIVE: Housing Rights and Options – Ensure accurate information is available to District residents with developmental disabilities to make informed decisions about their protected rights and housing options available in the District of Columbia.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and implement a plan to strengthen the Developmental Disabilities Council’s capacity to become culturally and linguistically competent to better serve residents with developmental disabilities from cultural diverse backgrounds (i.e.: Limited English Proficiency, LGBTQ, etc).
OBJECTIVE: Support the effective outreach and implementation of the new No Wrong Door (NWD) Program and its initiatives for people with developmental disabilities and their families/caregivers to make informed choices regarding long term supports and services they prefer and need in order to live with dignity in their homes and be fully included in their communities.
OBJECTIVE: Developmental Disabilities Public Awareness, Accomplishments and Achievements.
OBJECTIVE: Collaborate with the DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities annually on events such as the Mayor’s Expo on Disability Awareness.
Fiscal Year 2018
OBJECTIVE: General DC Advocacy Partners (DCAP) Program provided to fifteen (15) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members of adults and/or children with developmental disabilities per year..
OBJECTIVE: Strengthening Self-Determination and Advocacy Skills – Involve one hundred (100) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members in meaningful opportunities to either demonstrate or learn about their self-determination and advocacy skills.
OBJECTIVE: Emergency Preparedness – Serve as valued partner to the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency and other first responder stakeholders to incorporate the functional and accessibility needs of District residents with developmental disabilities in emergency planning.
OBJECTIVE: More than twenty five (25) high school students with developmental disabilities annually will receive competitive placements in the District’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP).
OBJECTIVE: Disability Mentoring Days (DMDs) – In recognition of October as “Disability Employment Awareness Month”, DMDs introduce thirty (30) or more high school, college and graduate students with developmental disabilities to potential employment opportunities within the DC Metropolitan Area annually.
OBJECTIVE: Involve more than three hundred (300) high school students in transition in meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their self-determination and advocacy skills or learn more about their protected rights, post-secondary education opportunities and employment options.
OBJECTIVE: In partnership with the DC Department on Disability Services (DDS) and other appropriate private and public stakeholders, continue strengthening the capacity of the Supporting Families Community of Practice and its initiatives.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and coordinate the Living a Healthy Lifestyle Program to benefit ten (10) or more District residents with developmental disabilities.
OBJECTIVE: Establish and/or support two (2) Next Chapter Book Clubs in the District of Columbia.
OBJECTIVE: Housing Rights and Options – Ensure accurate information is available to District residents with developmental disabilities to make informed decisions about their protected rights and housing options available in the District of Columbia.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and implement a plan to strengthen the Developmental Disabilities Council’s capacity to become culturally and linguistically competent to better serve residents with developmental disabilities from cultural diverse backgrounds (i.e.: Limited English Proficiency, LGBTQ, etc).
OBJECTIVE: Support the effective outreach and implementation of the new No Wrong Door (NWD) Program and its initiatives for people with developmental disabilities and their families/caregivers to make informed choices regarding long term supports and services they prefer and need in order to live with dignity in their homes and be fully included in their communities.
OBJECTIVE: Developmental Disabilities Public Awareness, Accomplishments and Achievements.
OBJECTIVE: Collaborate with the DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities annually on events such as the Mayor’s Expo on Disability Awareness.
Fiscal Year 2019
OBJECTIVE: General DC Advocacy Partners (DCAP) Program provided to fifteen (15) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members of adults and/or children with developmental disabilities per year..
OBJECTIVE: Strengthening Self-Determination and Advocacy Skills – Involve one hundred (100) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members in meaningful opportunities to either demonstrate or learn about their self-determination and advocacy skills.
OBJECTIVE: Emergency Preparedness – Serve as valued partner to the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency and other first responder stakeholders to incorporate the functional and accessibility needs of District residents with developmental disabilities in emergency planning.
OBJECTIVE: More than twenty five (25) high school students with developmental disabilities annually will receive competitive placements in the District’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP).
OBJECTIVE: Disability Mentoring Days (DMDs) – In recognition of October as “Disability Employment Awareness Month”, DMDs introduce thirty (30) or more high school, college and graduate students with developmental disabilities to potential employment opportunities within the DC Metropolitan Area annually.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and coordinate a program to work with 20 youth with developmental disabilities under age 14 and their parent(s) with setting high expectations and employment planning from an early age.
OBJECTIVE: Involve more than three hundred (300) high school students in transition in meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their self-determination and advocacy skills or learn more about their protected rights, post-secondary education opportunities and employment options.
OBJECTIVE: Strengthening Early Intervention Services in the District.
OBJECTIVE: In partnership with the DC Department on Disability Services (DDS) and other appropriate private and public stakeholders, continue strengthening the capacity of the Supporting Families Community of Practice and its initiatives.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and coordinate the Living a Healthy Lifestyle Program to benefit ten (10) or more District residents with developmental disabilities.
OBJECTIVE: Housing Rights and Options – Ensure accurate information is available to District residents with developmental disabilities to make informed decisions about their protected rights and housing options available in the District of Columbia.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and implement a plan to strengthen the Developmental Disabilities Council’s capacity to become culturally and linguistically competent to better serve residents with developmental disabilities from cultural diverse backgrounds (i.e.; Limited English Proficiency, LGBTQ, etc.).
OBJECTIVE: Revisit, evaluate and assess the DDC’s plan to ensure that matters of cultural and linguistic competence are properly and accurately being addressed by the DDC.
OBJECTIVE: Support the effective outreach and implementation of the new No Wrong Door (NWD) Program and its initiatives for people with developmental disabilities and their families/caregivers to make informed choices regarding long term supports and services they prefer and need in order to live with dignity in their homes and be fully included in their communities.
OBJECTIVE: Developmental Disabilities Public Awareness, Accomplishments and Achievements.
OBJECTIVE: Collaborate with the DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities annually on events such as the Mayor’s Expo on Disability Awareness.
Fiscal Year 2020
OBJECTIVE: General DC Advocacy Partners (DCAP) Program provided to fifteen (15) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members of adults and/or children with developmental disabilities per year..
OBJECTIVE: Strengthening Self-Determination and Advocacy Skills – Involve one hundred (100) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members in meaningful opportunities to either demonstrate or learn about their self-determination and advocacy skills.
OBJECTIVE: Emergency Preparedness – Serve as valued partner to the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency and other first responder stakeholders to incorporate the functional and accessibility needs of District residents with developmental disabilities in emergency planning.
OBJECTIVE: Civic Responsibility, Voter Registration and Education – Provide training and education to fifty (50) or more District residents with developmental disabilities regarding the electoral process, voting registration and their voting rights.
OBJECTIVE: More than twenty five (25) high school students with developmental disabilities annually will receive competitive placements in the District’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP).
OBJECTIVE: Disability Mentoring Days (DMDs) – In recognition of October as “Disability Employment Awareness Month”, DMDs introduce thirty (30) or more high school, college and graduate students with developmental disabilities to potential employment opportunities within the DC Metropolitan Area annually.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and coordinate a program to work with 20 youth with developmental disabilities under age 14 and their parent(s) with setting high expectations and employment planning from an early age.
OBJECTIVE: Involve more than three hundred (300) high school students in transition in meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their self-determination and advocacy skills or learn more about their protected rights, post-secondary education opportunities and employment options.
OBJECTIVE: Strengthening Early Intervention Services in the District.
OBJECTIVE: In partnership with the DC Department on Disability Services (DDS) and other appropriate private and public stakeholders, continue strengthening the capacity of the Supporting Families Community of Practice and its initiatives.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and coordinate the Living a Healthy Lifestyle Program to benefit ten (10) or more District residents with developmental disabilities.
OBJECTIVE: Establish and/or support two (2) Next Chapter Book Clubs in the District of Columbia.
OBJECTIVE: Housing Rights and Options – Ensure accurate information is available to District residents with developmental disabilities to make informed decisions about their protected rights and housing options available in the District of Columbia.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and coordinate the Community Service and Recreational Opportunities Program to benefit forty (40) or more District residents with developmental disabilities.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and implement a plan to strengthen the Developmental Disabilities Council’s capacity to become culturally and linguistically competent to better serve residents with developmental disabilities from cultural diverse backgrounds (i.e.; Limited English Proficiency, LGBTQ, etc.).
OBJECTIVE: Revisit, evaluate and assess the DDC’s plan to ensure that matters of cultural and linguistic competence are properly and accurately being addressed by the DDC.
OBJECTIVE: Support the effective outreach and implementation of the new No Wrong Door (NWD) Program and its initiatives for people with developmental disabilities and their families/caregivers to make informed choices regarding long term supports and services they prefer and need in order to live with dignity in their homes and be fully included in their communities.
OBJECTIVE: Developmental Disabilities Public Awareness, Accomplishments and Achievements.
OBJECTIVE: Collaborate with the DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities annually on events such as the Mayor’s Expo on Disability Awareness.
Fiscal Year 2021
OBJECTIVE: Advanced DC Advocacy Partners (DCAP) Program provided to eighteen (18) or more DCAP graduates per year with an emphasis on effective negotiating skills, effective leadership and mentoring.
OBJECTIVE: Strengthening Self-Determination and Advocacy Skills – Involve one hundred (100) or more District residents with developmental disabilities and family members in meaningful opportunities to either demonstrate or learn about their self-determination and advocacy skills.
OBJECTIVE: Emergency Preparedness – Serve as valued partner to the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency and other first responder stakeholders to incorporate the functional and accessibility needs of District residents with developmental disabilities in emergency planning.
OBJECTIVE: Civic Responsibility, Voter Registration and Education – Provide training and education to fifty (50) or more District residents with developmental disabilities regarding the electoral process, voting registration and their voting rights.
OBJECTIVE: More than twenty five (25) high school students with developmental disabilities annually will receive competitive placements in the District’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP).
OBJECTIVE: Disability Mentoring Days (DMDs) – In recognition of October as “Disability Employment Awareness Month”, DMDs introduce thirty (30) or more high school, college and graduate students with developmental disabilities to potential employment opportunities within the DC Metropolitan Area annually.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and coordinate a program to work with 20 youth with developmental disabilities under age 14 and their parent(s) with setting high expectations and employment planning from an early age.
OBJECTIVE: Involve more than three hundred (300) high school students in transition in meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their self-determination and advocacy skills or learn more about their protected rights, post-secondary education opportunities and employment options.
OBJECTIVE: Strengthening Early Intervention Services in the District.
OBJECTIVE: In partnership with the DC Department on Disability Services (DDS) and other appropriate private and public stakeholders, continue strengthening the capacity of the Supporting Families Community of Practice and its initiatives.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and coordinate the Living a Healthy Lifestyle Program to benefit ten (10) or more District residents with developmental disabilities.
OBJECTIVE: Housing Rights and Options – Ensure accurate information is available to District residents with developmental disabilities to make informed decisions about their protected rights and housing options available in the District of Columbia.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and coordinate the Community Service and Recreational Opportunities Program to benefit forty (40) or more District residents with developmental disabilities.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and implement a plan to strengthen the Developmental Disabilities Council’s capacity to become culturally and linguistically competent to better serve residents with developmental disabilities from cultural diverse backgrounds (i.e.; Limited English Proficiency, LGBTQ, etc.).
OBJECTIVE: Revisit, evaluate and assess the DDC’s plan to ensure that matters of cultural and linguistic competence are properly and accurately being addressed by the DDC.
OBJECTIVE: Support the effective outreach and implementation of the new No Wrong Door (NWD) Program and its initiatives for people with developmental disabilities and their families/caregivers to make informed choices regarding long term supports and services they prefer and need in order to live with dignity in their homes and be fully included in their communities.
OBJECTIVE: Developmental Disabilities Public Awareness, Accomplishments and Achievements.
OBJECTIVE: Collaborate with the DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities annually on events such as the Mayor’s Expo on Disability Awareness.